An inside-out paper airplane? How on earth would that fly? What IS on the outside of the plane? You’re just going to have to try it out to see for yourself what makes this glider a unique one. It’s a good way to test the accuracy of your folds since they’re all on the outside of the plane!
Video tutorial
- A blue line is where you need to make a new crease.
- The green dot shows the bit of the paper that you’ll be moving to a new spot.
- The red dot shows where the bit of paper will end up once you’ve finished making the new crease.
- Medium
Step 1
Fold a sheet of paper in half widthwise.
Step 2
Open the sheet of paper up again. Fold the top corners inwards so they meet at the middle crease. The inside edges will line up with the crease.
Step 3
Fold the tip down so it meets the bottom of the triangle.
Step 4
Fold a flap on each of the angled edges. The flap should measure around 1 1/2 centimeters wide. That’s about the same as just over 1/2 an inch or the width of your thumb.
Step 5
Fold the paper in half again along the middle crease. All the mucky bits should be on the inside.
Step 6
Have a look at the nose of your plane. It will be straight instead of pointy. Make a crease halfway between the top and bottom of the nose. The crease will run parallel to the bottom of the plane.
Repeat on the other side.
Step 7
Fold small winglets up at the back of the plane. They’ll be around an inch wide.
And you’re done!
Great job! Have fun with this cool looking inside out glider.
lol this was hard!
make lots more canards
Yep, got to say there was a little Inside Out Glider graveyard by the time I’d finished the post…
I’ll make that the priority for the next batch – thanks for the suggestion!
so easy
i know this was hard
I know right.